We are a network of people and organizations. Our events are either hosted by PICS Belgium or with the latter as a co-host. Our aim is to enhance the know-how and skill set of both members and non-members, active (or aspiring to become active) in any part of the Supply Chain.

In practice, this can also mean jointly working out case studies, detecting and sharing Supply Chain innovations, predicting evolutions and trends as well as disruptions. Moreover, one can also find a Supply Chain Tutor or buddy via this hub.


Learning & Development

PICS Belgium offers a wide choice of supply chain and logistics education: training courses, seminars and webinars, which have been developed by a team of practice-oriented academics, with top-level experience. PICS Belgium is a premier ASCM training partner, providing the industry-leading APICS certifications.

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Business executives discussing with their colleagues on whiteboard during meeting at office - PICS Belgium Premier ASCM training partner


PICS Belgium is a networking organization, for both members and non-members. An open platform for Logistics and Supply Chain Management professionals. The regular networking events, seminars and webinars with peers will expand the expertise and reach of your company and your talent.

Upcoming events

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  • Expand your network
  • Gain more knowledge
  • Stay up-to-date on Supply Chain trends & events

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Woman typing on laptop to expand her Supply Chain network - PICS Belgium Expand your Supply Chain network
PICS Belgium
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