About PICS Belgium


To meet the Supply Chain educational and networking needs of today, while caring about the future.


To continuously educate and connect Supply Chain professionals in Belgium and beyond.

 The knowledge hub for supply chain professionals

Meaning: a network of people and organizations exchanging information on education, products and services during organized events, courses, seminars, webinars, and hackathons by PICS Belgium or with the latter as a co-host with the aim to enhance the know-how and skill set of both members as non-members active (or aspiring to become active) in any part of the Supply Chain. In practice, this can also mean jointly working out case studies, detecting and sharing SC innovations, predicting evolutions and trends as well as disruptions. Moreover, one can also find a Supply Chain Tutor or buddy via this hub.

Who we are

  • Professional Association for Supply Chain Management
  • Non-profit organization founded in 1972
  • ASCM premier APICS training partner
  • Member association of professionals, academics and practitioners in Supply Chain Management

Main purpose

  • To enhance  knowledge and skills in the field of Supply Chain management
  • To offer a platform where knowledge is exchanged between peers
  • To give networking opportunities to professionals

Main activities

  • Open class training courses on Supply Chain related subjects
  • In-house training courses
  • Preparation courses for the internationally recognized certificates of CPIM, CSCP and CLTD, awarded by APICS/ASCM
  • Seminars, webinars and company visits for both members and non-members
  • Monthly Supply Chain Café on an actual Supply Chain topic
  • Support to Students and Young professionals in their supply chain careers
  • Supply Chain Award for best projects
  • Organization of networking events such as the annual reunion of Supply Chain professionals
Pics belgium Supply Chain, warehousing and logistics training courses - Inhouse training

Board of Directors

Jan De Kimpe

Jan De Kimpe

President PICS Belgium

visiting professor KU Leuven

Solution manager at art4l

Managing Director

Albert Pegg

Albert Pegg

Outgoing President PICS Belgium

CEO/Managing Partner

Laurence Coudroy

Laurence Coudroy

Vice President PICS Belgium Walloon region

Expert in End-to-End Supply Chain & Complex Program Management

Interim Manager

owner Delepine SRL

Marc Van Hoeck

Marc Van Hoeck

Vice President PICS Belgium Flemish region

Supply Chain Architect – valueXstream
Partner KamaX – Smart Retail Logistics

Olivier Corluy

Olivier Corluy

Secretary General PICS Belgium

Managing Partner

Koen Cobbaert

Koen Cobbaert

Treasurer PICS Belgium

Lead Solution Scientist

Jason Ashton

Jason Ashton

Board member PICS Belgium

Founder A-performance

Jeroen Belien

Jeroen Belien

Board member PICS Belgium

Professor KU Leuven

Dean FEB Brussels

Suzy Costers

Suzy Costers

Board member PICS Belgium

Managing Director SC2 – Supply Chain Square

Stefan Creemers

Stefan Creemers

Board member PICS Belgium


Wim Farasyn

Wim Farasyn

Board member PICS Belgium

Managing Director Lanark

François Grisay

François Grisay

Board member PICS Belgium

SCM teacher at ICHEC Brussels Management School

Managing Director Statera & SupChains

Kris Lieckens

Kris Lieckens

Board member PICS Belgium

Supply Chain Analytics Expert

Thierry Martens

Thierry Martens

Board member PICS Belgium

Owner True Faith

Simon Popelier

Simon Popelier

Board member PICS Belgium

Innovation Manager

Stefan Rusu

Stefan Rusu

Board member PICS Belgium

Director Warehousing, Automation & Production Logistics

Jelena Skuridina

Jelena Skuridina

Board member PICS Belgium


DSU2 Solutions

Patrick Smets

Patrick Smets

Board member PICS Belgium

Chief Supply Chain Innovator – Founder

Gerd Speed

Gerd Speed

Board member PICS Belgium

Director Management Consulting, Supply Chain Planning


Bob Van Steenweghen

Bob Van Steenweghen

Board member PICS Belgium

Marketing & Corporate Affairs Manager

Nico Vandaele

Nico Vandaele

Board member PICS Belgium

Professor KU Leuven
Access-To-Medicines Research Center

Dirk Lambrechts

Dirk Lambrechts

Honorary member PICS Belgium board

Key account manager

PICS Belgium