3-day training course Hands-On Supply Chain Management

22/04/2025 09:00 - 13/05/2025 17:00

Odisee Campus Brussels (TBC)

3-day training course Hands-On Supply Chain Management

Are you considering a supply chain career or are you already working in a logistic environment and are you eager to find out more about Supply Chain Management? The interactive Hands-on Supply Chain Management course is exactly what you need.

In this  course we deal with the supply chain fundamentals that are required to effectively manage a supply chain.

When ?

  • 2025, April 22, May 6 and 13

What ?

  • 3-days training course from 9 till 17h, including lunch and 2 coffee breaks
  • Language: English, unless all participants speak Dutch
  • Bring your laptop!


  • Venue: Odisee-hogeschool – KU Leuven Campus Brussel, Hermes gebouw, Stormstraat 6, Brussels, Belgium (TBC)


  • PICS–members/Value Chain subscribers: 1 215 € + 21% VAT
  • Non members: 1 350 € + 21% VAT

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1 350,00 excl. VAT

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PICS Belgium is a registered service provider with registration number DV.O124717. You can save up to 30% by using the ‘KMO Portefeuille’. When finalising your application, choose theme job-specific competencies


Day 1

Part 1: Beer game & bullwhip effect

  • The Beer Game has historically been used to illustrate the operation of a supply chain. Besides illustrating the bullwhip effect, the beer game also shows the importance of coordination, cooperation, and information sharing in a supply chain. The beer game also serves as a capstone for topics that are dealt with in the other sessions of the training.

Part 2: Inventory Management

  • How much stock should a company have? When do you order and how much needs to be ordered? Excessive inventories result in working capital inefficiencies. Low stocks lead to lost sales and unhappy customers. In the second part of the session, we illustrate different inventory models and basic concepts in an interactive manner using a business game in which the participants assume the role of an inventory manager.

Day 2

Part 3: Forecasting

  • Effective supply chain management requires accurate forecasts. Better forecasts result in smaller safety stocks and a better alignment between planning and demand. In this session, we illustrate the most important forecasting methods (time series with trend and seasonality, regression, triple exponential smoothing, and machine learning) using hands-on Excel exercises as well as a forecasting game.

Day 3

Part 4: Lean Supply Chains

  • Globalization with increased cost-consciousness among customers and supply chain partners necessitates to have some notion of the lean philosophy. It has proven to be a viable and popular approach for continuously improving operations and for sustaining competitiveness.
  • Any company, regardless of size, type and industry (also service and administrative environments) can benefit from lean implementations because principles like production flow, continuous improvement, eliminating waste, employee empowerment and standardization of work methods all facilitate a better value stream where the focus is on meeting customer needs. Theory and examples will be covered.
  • It will be clear that people, processes and tools/technologies should be balanced. Some state-of-the-art tools to promote lean systems are shown: process mining to easily detect flaws in supply chain flows, and simulation to detect the best solutions to put into practice.

Part 5: Synchronous Supply Chains

  • After highlighting the different buffer types that exist in any supply chain, we show that the overall system performance can be improved by synchronizing these buffers with the resources in the different stages of transformation.
  • The cooperation with different functional departments, the analysis of bottlenecks and the development of operational metrics (output, inventory, capacity, …) in addition to financial measures (profit, ROI, cash flow, …) are all key to success.
  • Insight into the dynamic supply chain relationships will be provided to enhance its planning. Various decision factors play a role: purchasing, inventory, capacity, batch size, order release, variability reduction, product portfolio, etc. The impact on KPIs, such as throughput, reliability and profit is verified by means of an interactive and competitive business game that simulates the tasks of a supply chain manager.


  • Jeroen Belien
  • Stefan Creemers
  • Kris Lieckens
3-day training course Hands-On Supply Chain Management
non PICS-members
1 350,00 excl. VAT

Register here

1 215,00 excl. VAT
PICS Belgium
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