Bootcamp for young Supply Chain professionals

Bootcamp for young Supply Chain professionals

23/02/2022 09:00 - 24/02/2022 17:00 Lamot Center, Mechelen

In this highly interactive course we deal with the supply chain basics and focus on every step along the value chain, providing ideas to improve the efficiency in the end-to-end process.

When ?

  • 2022, February 23 and 24
  • Venue: Lamot, Mechelen

What ?

  • 2-day training course from 9 till 17h
  • Language: English, unless all participants speak Dutch


  • Understanding the basic principles of the end-to-end Supply Chain and how they are applied in a company
  • Gain insights how your job and the job of your supply chain peers impact the company results.
  • Expand your network and meet other supply chain professionals


Price for this 2 days training

  • PICS–members/ Value Chain subscribers: 915 € + 21% VAT
  • Non members: 985 € + 21% VAT


PICS Belgium is a registered training center, recognized by the Flemish government. This means you can save up to 30% by using ‘KMO Portefeuille’. Our registration number is DV.O102417. When finalising your application, choose theme



Day 1

Introduction to Supply Chain Management

  • What is Supply Chain management
  • What impact can Supply Chain have on the company’s financial results.
  • How can Supply Chain optimize Cost, Cash and Services
  • The conflicting metrics
  • What is the role of customer service in Supply Chain

Introduction to our Company Case Study

  • With the Case Study “Company”, we will touch on all aspects of Supply Chain management. Based on specific questions, every session will start with a team-discussion on how our “Company” can improve its specific Supply Chain process.

The Operational Purchasing Process

  • CASE STUDY: Split up in teams, the group will discuss how the purchasing process could be improved
  • What are the different phases in a purchasing process.
  • What information is required during the different steps.
  • Ultimately, we will provide an overview of the most commonly used techniques on when to order, and at what quantities?
  • What are the typical metrics used to measure the performance of the operational purchasing process

Strategic Planning – Tactical Planning -MPS

  • CASE STUDY Split up in teams, the group will discuss what should be done to create a mid-term view on the business
  • What is Strategy, and what are the components of a Supply Chain Strategic plan
  • What is a Tactical planning (S&OP) and what are the different steps in this process. We learn how to assess at what S&OP maturity level your company is in.
  • How is an S&OP plan translated in a useable plan for Operations and Procurement?
  • What are the typical metrics used to measure the performance of planning processes

Operational Planning & MRP

    • What are the different components of an operational planning
    • What is MRP and what is detailed scheduling and what is it used for
    • What are the different components of an MRP and detailed schedule
    • You learn the basics on how to setup and calculate your own requirements plan for our “COMPANY”

Day 2

Basic of Inventory Management

  • What are the different types of inventory and what is important in managing the different types of inventory
  • What are basic techniques to create your inventory improvement plan

 Basic Warehouse Dynamics and Management

  • CASE STUDY Split up in teams, the group will discuss what could be potential improvement area’s in our “Companies” Warehouse
  • What is a warehouse and what are the main functions of a warehouse
  • What different jobs do we find in a warehouse
  • What are the basic concepts of a warehouse design and lay-out
  • What are the typical metrics used to measure the performance in a warehouse

PM: Transport & Distribution Management

  • CASE STUDY Split up in teams, the group will discuss what could be potential improvement area’s in our “Companies” transport management
  • What is important when choosing for a transport-modus
  • What is important in distribution management, why having a central DC or regional DC, what are the criteria that companies take into account in making the decision
PICS Belgium