Breakfast session: AMR in Logistics Operations and visit Log!Ville

Breakfast session: AMR in Logistics Operations and visit Log!Ville

27/03/2024 09:00 - 12:00 Log!Ville, Niel

Exclusive High impact sessions lead by 2 experts:

  • Stefan Rusu (Deloitte, PICS Belgium)
  • Jan De Kimpe (PICS Belgium, Logisol Pro, KULeuven, ART4L)

How do we “survive and thrive” in a Logistics reality stretched between Agility, Cost, Efficiency, Resilience, Service and Sustainability, impacted by an unprecedented and generational Talent gap in both distribution centers and production warehouses?

In todays (warehousing) logistics trend analysis shows a need and willingness to automate (part of) the flows to respond to this question. This can require an integration of automated devices with traditional manual handling and operators. AMR (autonomous mobile robots) are a technology to investigate, but as well the applications as the supplier market for these is big and growing. Together with the participants we want to dive into this topic, setting the scene and discussing about possibilities in participants organizations.

When ?

  • 2024, March 27 from 9 till 12h
  • Log!Ville, Galileilaan 3 – 2845 Niel

What ?

  • The experts will introduce several topics and very practically engage with the participants to dive into these topics
  • The participants will receive exclusive supplementary information after the event


including breakfast and closing drink

  • PICS–members: 50 € + 21% VAT
  • Non members: 100  + 21% VAT


  • 9.00 : Welcome breakfast with coffee and tea
  • 9.30 : Introduction :
    • Market trends initiating flexible automation solutions
    • The AST-principle for warehouse automation (Adaptable, Scalable & Transferable)
    • AMR and AGV basics
  • 10.00: Cases
    • The (potential) usage of AMR in your warehouses : machine type versus process
    • How to integrate AMR with people flows : concepts and technology
    • AMR versus AGV : cost versus flexibility and intelligence with an eye on integration
  • 11.00: Conclusions and lessons learned + visit to Logiville
  • 12.00: End of event


Stefan Rusu

Jan De Kimpe


REGISTER NOW for breakfast session AMR in Logistics Operations

non PICS-members
100,00 excl. VAT

Register here

50,00 excl. VAT

PICS Belgium is a registered training center, recognized by the Flemish government. This means you can save up to 30% by using ‘KMO Portefeuille’. Our registration number is DV.O102417. When finalising your application, choose theme

PICS Belgium