Breakfast session: Navigating the Supply Chain Due Diligence Directives

22/09/2023 09:00 - 12:00

KPMG Zaventem

Breakfast session: Navigating the Supply Chain Due Diligence Directives

Ensuring Supply Chain Compliance: Navigating the Supply Chain Due Diligence Directives

KPMG Breakfast Session on how to navigate the supply chain due diligence directives

Are you prepared to navigate the complexities of Supply Chain Due Diligence? KPMG and PICS Belgium invite you to kickstart your day with a Breakfast Session and join us for an enlightening discussion on how to ensure compliance and mitigate risks in your supply chain.

During this interactive breakfast session, the KPMG team of experts will guide you through the essential steps needed to prepare your organization for the ever-evolving landscape of supply chain regulations. Discover how to navigate legal requirements efficiently, protect your brand reputation, and foster sustainable and responsible business practices.

When ?

  • September 22, 2023
  • 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

What ?

Breakfast session ‘Navigating the Supply Chain Due Diligence Directives’ in cooperation with KPMG.

Where ?

KPMG offices Zaventem

Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal 1K
1930 Zaventem


This is a free member event. Non-members pay 35 euro (excl. VAT).(*)
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(*) Event only open to non-consulting members

Member? Feel free to invite co-workers within your department

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non PICS-members
35,00 excl. VAT

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Breakfast session: Navigating the Supply Chain Due Diligence Directives
non PICS-members
35,00 excl. VAT

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0,00 excl. VAT
PICS Belgium
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