Incoterms 2020 theory (Zeebrugge)

17/01/2023 09:00 - 12:30

ABC tower Zeebrugge

Incoterms 2020 theory (Zeebrugge)

Register for this training that we organize together with our partner Portilog.

Are you directly involved in the import or export of goods within or outside the EU? Then you know that there are many obligations involved and that clear agreements with your foreign customers and suppliers are necessary.

When ?

  • January 17, 2023
  • 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
  • Location: ABC Tower, Zeebrugge

What ?

  • This daytime course consists of 1 face-to-face session from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
  • Language: Dutch/English


  • Obligations of the seller and the buyer
  • Insurances & permits
  • Organization of transport
  • Costs and risks
  • Incoterms in e-commerce


Price for this webinar

  • PICS–/ Portilog members: 195  + 21% VAT
  • Non members: 215 € + 21% VAT


non PICS/Portilog-members
215,00 excl. VAT

Register here

195,00 excl. VAT

Register here

PICS Belgium is a registered service provider with registration number DV.O124717. You can save up to 30% by using the ‘KMO Portefeuille’. When finalising your application, choose theme


Program & Target audience

  • What are Incoterms and how did they come about?
  • What do they regulate and how are they used?
  • What is the format of Incoterms?
  • What are changes with the new Incoterms 2020?
  • What costs need to be shared?
  • Which documents are chargeable to whom?
  • Detailed description each of the 11 Incoterms
  • What are the limits of Incoterms
  • Incoterms and Insurance
  • Incoterms and transfer of title
  • Clarification when using certain Incoterms of common misunderstandings and pitfalls
  • Managers and employees of export, transport, logistics, purchasing and sales departments, forwarders, declarants, accounting staff, etc.
  • Newcomers to the port and logistics sector
  • Employees from the HR, temporary employment or banking sector, education, IT, government personnel, etc. with port and logistics related tasks.
  • Anyone who aspires to a career in the port.
  • No previous knowledge required. Notions of transport documents are a plus.
Incoterms 2020 theory (Zeebrugge)
non PICS/Portilog-members
215,00 excl. VAT

Register here

195,00 excl. VAT

Register here

PICS Belgium
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