Supply Chain Café: What does customer centric operations and supply chain management imply?
Customer is king? What does it mean to be customer centric?
Do you always need to say yes to your customers while being customer centric?
Supply Chain Café by PICS Belgium #6
Supply Chain Café by PICS Belgium is a new initiative of PICS Belgium, oriented to members and domain experts, with the goal to distribute knowhow discussing amongst peers. The PICS Supply chain Cafés are 1 hour’s interactive lunch sessions, where an industry expert is invited to present a supply chain topic in 20 minutes, followed by a lively debate among all participants.
What does customer centric operations and supply chain management imply?
Introduced by Jason Ashton – Customer Service responsible at Tensio and PICS Belgium board member.
Animated by Jan De Kimpe, VP PICS Belgium.
How is your company considering customer centricity and how does this have an effect on the operations and supply chain?
Do you experience a change in this lately with the ongoing pandemic? Jason will share insights on how the current ongoing increasing prices and customer centricity are being approached at Tensio. Feel free to bring your questions and practical cases to this session in which we want to explore and share thoughts on being customer focused in practice.
Jason Ashton combines an in-depth customer centric theoretical knowledge through certifications as Lean Black Belt and ASCM APICS CPIM and CSCP with practical experience through his day-to-day role as responsible for customer relations at Tensio.