Training course Warehousing in the era of automation, digitalization and remoteness

Training course Warehousing in the era of automation, digitalization and remoteness

17/03/2022 13:30 - 24/03/2022 17:00 Online

At present Warehouse practitioners are challenged to design and deliver “good warehousing” in a current era of hyper-intensive and increasingly-complex customer behavior, respectively of pandemic-imposed remoteness. Another challenge to define how “good” warehousing can get, is the wide choice of warehousing technical solutions and their financial impact. At the same time suppliers push their own solutions as best practice.

The program includes, besides the lectures of the instructors, a robotics entrepreneur as guest speaker. The course also contains two facilitator-led breakout sessions, for which we invite you to bring your own challenges or ideas, from your industry and/or company – we will explore it together and discuss how they can best be addressed by means of the technologies introduced during the course, including criteria for and high-level and business case evaluation.

Finally, to conclude the proceedings, we bring you a quest of imagination and vision: how will warehousing look like in 2050? Allow us to set the scene and let’s envision the future together. Why is this important now? Weighting all the emerging technologies, we need to start preparing soon for the long-term and thus invest time and attention in the short-term. (Most) Warehouse technologies have now reached proper and sustainable maturity for us to start trying them out – think big, start small, but start nonetheless.

When ?

  • 2022, March 17, 18 and 24

What ?

  • 3 afternoon sessions from 13.30h till 17h including regular breaks
  • Live Webinar sessions


This course will help you in making the right decisions for your business by means of 3 key set questions.



Price for this 4 days training, including lunch, welcome coffee and 2 coffee breaks

  • PICS–members/ Value Chain subscribers: 450  € + 21% VAT
  • Non members: 600  + 21% VAT


Day 1

Warehouse automation hardware systems

  • Technology and Automation Trends
  • Case study #1: Goods-to-person (GTP) systems – “The 1.000.000 different SKU e-commerce DC”
  • Case study #2: Lights-off warehousing via I4.0: IOT and robotics – “The first 3PL lights-off warehouse”
  • Technology & Automation Systems
  • Key Design principles

Day 2

Warehousing talent – Warehouse software system

  • Software: State of the art – WMS, WCS
  • Software: Emerging – WES, modular architectures
  • Operator of the future: tech-augmented & data-driven

Day 3

Digital – Bring your own challenge

  • Breakout sessions – Bring your own challenge
  • Digital/Data: Digital Twins and Machine learning paving the way to Logistics 2050


Meet the instructors and find out what this online course can do for you!

Stefan Rusu
Jan De Kimpe
Guest speaker: a robotics entrepreneur


non PICS-members
600,00 excl. VAT

Register here

450,00 excl. VAT

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